International Register for Celestial Objects
The International Space Registry has one of the most prestigious catalogs for registered stars worldwide.
Registry Info
Realtime location of your star!
Our Software
With the help of our innovative online planetarium software you can always see where your star is at any given time and location. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. So set your point of view and you will know where you can see your star at the sky.
Computer or Tablet recommended
Only customers from registered partners are able to use this Software

Explore the night sky in AR
Our Mobile App
With our cutting-edge mobile app featuring augmented reality (AR) and multi-language support, you can effortlessly locate your star anytime, anywhere. Experience a realistic 3D sky view, mimicking what you see with the naked eye, binoculars, or a telescope. Simply set your viewpoint, and our app will guide you to your star’s position in the sky.
What We Do
A well-developed quality management system can benefit our partners and their customers in many ways. The most significant benefit is the assurance of a compliant and fast star registration process. Use of systematic quality management means that we review the actions of our partners and how far they are fulfilled in accordance to our strict requirements. For example, one of our numerous test methods includes regular anonymous test orders to verify that our partners meet our high quality standards.
The International Space Registry provides vital support with all this. For within the framework of certification we do not only offer mere certification and surveillance audits. Identification of potentials for improvement and consideration of changing framework conditions are also part of what we offer.
Maintenance of the Register
Maintenance and actualization of the register and its entries.
Monitoring of the Register
Systematic review of newly published and existing register entries.
Certification and Auditing
Certification through periodic auditing and control of our partners.
Get live updates of your star!
Get the live location of your star
Always know where your star is in the sky and where it will be in the future seen from your location.